var ZdcEmapGPSErrMsg="現在地の取得に失敗しました"; //HTML読み込み用ajax通信関数 function ZdcEmapHttpRequestHtml(url, func, nowaitmsg, typ, noref) { // if(!nowaitmsg) ZdcEmapReadOn();//読み込み中フラグon if(typ == undefined) typ = 1; //通信処理 var ZdcEmapHttpRequestObj = new ZdcEmapHttpRequest('UTF8', 'UTF8', 1); ZdcEmapHttpRequestObj.request(url, function(html,status) { if(status == 3) status = 0;//タイムアウトは無視 連続呼び出し時の動作が安定しないので if(status == 9) status = 0;//テンプレートが無い場合に対応 if(html == null) html = "";//nullは出さない if(status == 0) { func(html,status); } else { //エラー処理 func(html,status); } // ZdcEmapReadOff();//読み込み中フラグoff //},10000); mod 2012/09/10 Y.Matsukawa },10000,typ,noref); } ZdcSetErrorStatus = function(retcd, st){ var status; if (st == undefined){ var errPart = retcd.charAt(4); var errPartStr = retcd.slice(3, 5); if( errPart == '9' ){ status = 1; //パラメータエラー }else if( retcd.substr(4,4) == '1009' ){ status = 5; //該当データなし }else if ( errPart == '2' ){ status = 6; //認証エラー }else if ( errPart == '6' || errPart == '7' || errPart == '8' || errPartStr == '15'){ status = 2; //サーバーエラー }else{ status = 9; //その他エラー } }else{ status = st; } this.retCode = retcd || ''; this.type = ''; this.status = status; this.recCount = 0; this.hitCount = 0; = false; this.items = []; } function ZdcEmapCommGetCondJkn() { var jkn = ''; var cond = null; var arr_cond = new Array(); arr_cond[0] = ""; cond = document.getElementById("cond4"); if (cond && ( (cond.type == "checkbox" && cond.checked) || (cond.type == "hidden" && cond.value != "") ) ) { if (arr_cond[0] != "") arr_cond[0] += " AND "; // mod 2023/05/09 M,date arr_cond[0] += cond.value; } cond = document.getElementById("cond5"); if (cond && ( (cond.type == "checkbox" && cond.checked) || (cond.type == "hidden" && cond.value != "") ) ) { if (arr_cond[0] != "") arr_cond[0] += " AND "; // mod 2023/05/09 M,date arr_cond[0] += cond.value; } cond = document.getElementById("cond6"); if (cond && ( (cond.type == "checkbox" && cond.checked) || (cond.type == "hidden" && cond.value != "") ) ) { if (arr_cond[0] != "") arr_cond[0] += " AND "; // mod 2023/05/09 M,date arr_cond[0] += cond.value; } cond = document.getElementById("cond7"); if (cond && ( (cond.type == "checkbox" && cond.checked) || (cond.type == "hidden" && cond.value != "") ) ) { if (arr_cond[0] != "") arr_cond[0] += " AND "; // mod 2023/05/09 M,date arr_cond[0] += cond.value; } if (arr_cond.length > 0) { for(var i=0; i < arr_cond.length; i++) { if (arr_cond[i] && arr_cond[i] != "") { if (jkn) jkn += " "; // mod 2022/10/25 jkn += "("+arr_cond[i]+")"; } } } return jkn; } function ZdcEmapGetCondParm(esc) { var form = document.formCond; if (!form) return ''; var condparm = ''; var chk = null; chk = form.cond4; //if (chk && chk.checked) condparm += "&cond4="+chk.value; mod 2012/09/10 Y.Matsukawa if (chk) { if ((chk.type == "checkbox" && chk.checked) || (chk.type == "hidden" && chk.value != "")) { condparm += "&cond4="; if (esc) { condparm += encodeURIComponent(chk.value); } else { condparm += chk.value; } } } chk = form.cond5; //if (chk && chk.checked) condparm += "&cond5="+chk.value; mod 2012/09/10 Y.Matsukawa if (chk) { if ((chk.type == "checkbox" && chk.checked) || (chk.type == "hidden" && chk.value != "")) { condparm += "&cond5="; if (esc) { condparm += encodeURIComponent(chk.value); } else { condparm += chk.value; } } } chk = form.cond6; //if (chk && chk.checked) condparm += "&cond6="+chk.value; mod 2012/09/10 Y.Matsukawa if (chk) { if ((chk.type == "checkbox" && chk.checked) || (chk.type == "hidden" && chk.value != "")) { condparm += "&cond6="; if (esc) { condparm += encodeURIComponent(chk.value); } else { condparm += chk.value; } } } chk = form.cond7; //if (chk && chk.checked) condparm += "&cond7="+chk.value; mod 2012/09/10 Y.Matsukawa if (chk) { if ((chk.type == "checkbox" && chk.checked) || (chk.type == "hidden" && chk.value != "")) { condparm += "&cond7="; if (esc) { condparm += encodeURIComponent(chk.value); } else { condparm += chk.value; } } } return condparm; } function ZdcEmapCondGetForm(formTo) { var form = document.formCond; if (!form) return; chk = form.cond4; if (chk && chk.checked) { condto = formTo.cond4; if (!condto) { condto = document.createElement("input"); condto.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); condto.setAttribute("name", "cond4"); formTo.appendChild(condto); } condto.value = chk.value; } chk = form.cond5; if (chk && chk.checked) { condto = formTo.cond5; if (!condto) { condto = document.createElement("input"); condto.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); condto.setAttribute("name", "cond5"); formTo.appendChild(condto); } condto.value = chk.value; } chk = form.cond6; if (chk && chk.checked) { condto = formTo.cond6; if (!condto) { condto = document.createElement("input"); condto.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); condto.setAttribute("name", "cond6"); formTo.appendChild(condto); } condto.value = chk.value; } chk = form.cond7; if (chk && chk.checked) { condto = formTo.cond7; if (!condto) { condto = document.createElement("input"); condto.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); condto.setAttribute("name", "cond7"); formTo.appendChild(condto); } condto.value = chk.value; } } //フキダシ表示ポップアップ function ZdcEmapShopMsgPop(elm, kid, after_func) { var kidprm = ""; var ary_flg = 0; if (Array.isArray(kid)) { for (var i=0; i"; } function ZdcEmapSubmitPOST(url, dc) { var parms = new Array(); var ue = url.split('?'); if (ue[1]) { parms = ue[1].split('&'); } var form = document.createElement('form'); form.action = ue[0]; form.method = 'POST'; if (parms && parms.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < parms.length; i++) { if (parms[i]) { var kv = parms[i].split('='); if(dc) kv[1] = decodeURIComponent(kv[1]); var p = document.createElement('input'); p.type = 'hidden'; = kv[0]; p.value = kv[1]; form.appendChild(p); } } } document.body.appendChild(form); form.submit(); }